
André Pederneiras one of the two founders of Nova União!

For those of you who don’t know André Pederneiras he is, together with Wendell Alexander (Prof. Daniel Charles' Master) one of the founders of Nova União and “Shi Fu” of many great Brazilian Black Belts like Shaolin, Marlon Sandro, Robson Moura, BJ Penn, Jose Aldo and many others. One of the pioneers in MMA and considered by many as one of the current best MMA coaches in the world, Andre Pederneiras is well known around the world for being a great MMA fighter and coach. Known for his work with the less privileged in Brasil, who consider him more not just a coach, but a father figure as well. It’s with great pleasure we introduce him and his new youtube channel where you can catchup on all the news from one of the best MMA and BJJ teams in the world: Nova União. Our Team!!! Osssss!!!

Check out these two great videos: first, Andre Pederneiras takes on Romina Sato in an incredible MMA fight, old style Japan rules, like we like; and, second, a video from his youtube channel showing what training with Nova União is all about. Enjoy. We did!!!
"Shi Fu" - Master teacher of a skill, father figure
"Si Fu" - Master, teacher of a skill

Shi Fu in action

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