
The gathering!

It is with great pleasure we invite you to a once in a summer time opportunity! Party hard under the sun with the cream of the crop of the Jiu-jitsu community. Besides the above activity, that will take most of your time, there will also be some Jiu-jitsu. Technics like the “mouth of sand” and the “sandy crack” promising to entertain the masses. Organized by our friends from HKJJ, Makoto, Brad and a bunch of white belts that will actually do the work, this is a must for all the BJJ lovers like you, that are out there and have nothing planed for the 27th of August between 10:30-18:30. All your sparing partners will be in the boat and all academies and open mats will be closed so there is nothing left for you to do, but press the link and book your place in this unbelievable Gathering! See you all there. Act quick since there's limited capacity!

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